IFOY Award 2014: The Winners are ...

The names of the winners of the first International Forklift Truck of the Year (IFOY) Award 2014 were kept secret right up to the end. Then, last Monday evening, the results were revealed at the IFOY Award Night in during the CeMAT in Hannover, when the delighted winners were presented with their metal and glass trophies to the applause of the guests. Crown, Jungheinrich, Still and Toyota Material Handling Europe won IFOY Awards in five categories.

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IFOY Award 2014: the nominees are ...

The nominations for the International Forklift Truck of the Year (IFOY) Award 2014 are in. In the first selection round, the jury chose eleven trucks and solutions from Crown, Jungheinrich, Still and Toyota for the final round from all the entries. Newly developed trucks, trucks that represent further developments or special models with significant technical improvements that have come onto the European market since December, 2012 were eligible for the award. "Not everyone has what it takes for IFOY. Only the best rise to the challenge of the tough selection process, and only the very best trucks and solutions are nominated", says Anita Würmser, Chairperson of the IFOY jury.

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New members appointed to the IFOY specialist advisory committee ....

The VDMA Materials Handling and Logistics Systems Sector Association and sponsor of the IFOY Award has appointed two new members to the IFOY specialist advisory committee.
Professor Dr.-Ing. Rainer Bruns, Director of the Faculty of Machine Elements and Technical Logistics at the Helmut Schmidt University of the Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg, and Professor Dr. Michael ten Hompel, holder of the Chair of Materials Handling and Warehousing at TU Dortmund University and Executive Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics (IML), have been appointed to the committee. Both scientists are leading experts in the field of warehouse and materials handling technology as well as in the area of innovation research.
The members of the IFOY specialist advisory committee represent the international manufacturers, associations and organisations, and their advice may be requested by the jury on technical and content-related matters. The specialist advisory committee has no voting rights.

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Entry phase for the IFOY Award 2014 starts in October ...

October 31 marks the start of the entry process for the 2nd International Forklift Truck of the Year Award, IFOY Award for short. Manufacturers of materials handling equipment and providers of intralogistics solutions will be able to submit their entries for one of the five awards at www.ifoy.org up to January 7, 2014. Applicants for the award must register by midnight of November 25, 2013. The new categories this year are "Automated Guided Vehicles" for partially or fully automated vehicles and "Intralogistics Solutions", formerly "Forklift Truck Solutions". This means that all intralogistics system providers can now submit entries for this prestigious award.

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IFOY Award 2013: the Winners ...

The names of the winners of the first International Forklift Truck of the Year (IFOY) Award were kept secret right up to the end. Then last Tuesday at 5:30 p.m., the 2013 results were revealed at the IFOY Award Night in Hall B1 of the CeMAT@transport logistic in Munich, where the delighted winners were presented with their metal and glass trophies. "This year, the issues of efficiency and customer benefit were the key factors in the jury vote. All nominated vehicles are leaders in their categories, and the decision was accordingly close", said Anita Würmser, Executive Chairperson of the IFOY Jury, at the presentation ceremony.

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IFOY Award 2013: the nominees are ...

The nominations for the International Forklift Truck of the Year (IFOY) Award 2013 are in. In the first selection round, the jury chose twelve trucks and solutions from a total of five manufacturers for the final round from all the entries. Newly developed trucks, trucks that represent further developments or special models with significant technical improvements that have come onto the European market since June 15, 2011 were eligible for the award. "The entries by Atlet, Clark, Crown, Jungheinrich and Still have convinced the jury and therefore belong to the crème de la crème", says Anita Würmser, Chairperson of the IFOY jury.

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Nominated for IFOY Award 2013 in the Forklift Truck Solutions Category: Crown

90 percent lower maintenance and damage costs and a smaller - but far more efficient - truck fleet: this is the highly successful outcome of the project implemented by MHE specialist Crown at the Spicers company in the UK. Offering over 17,000 items from its product portfolio, including leading stationery brand 5Star™, and operating from eight strategically located distribution centres, Spicers is one of the UK’s largest wholesale providers of stationery and office supplies.

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