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Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you need to know from A to Z
Here are some questions that are frequently asked about the IFOY AWARD along with the right answers. If you have any other questions, we'd be happy to help.
What is the aim of the IFOY AWARD?
The aim of the IFOY AWARD is to identify outstanding achievements in the field of materials handling equipment as well as Intralogistics and to document the performance capability and innovative drive of this sector. A further aim is to promote competitiveness and improve the image of the entire intralogistics sector in the public arena.
Who is behind the IFOY AWARD?
IFOY AWARD was created and is conducted by impact media projects. The sponsor of the IFOY AWARD is the VDMA Materials Handling and Intralogistics Sector Association.
The VDMA is a manufacturers' association and the sponsor of IFOY at the same time. Is the IFOY AWARD nevertheless an independent award?
Indeed. Independence is the central feature of the IFOY AWARD. No manufacturer would have recognised the award if its objectivity was not assured. The VDMA sector association represents the entire intralogistics sector, not the interests of individual members. One of its duties as sponsor, for example, is to ensure that the IFOY Test or the ongoing development of the IFOY AWARD do not put any manufacturer at an advantage or disadvantage. In order to guarantee objectivity, the organisational details as well as the development of the award and the selection process in the hands of the Executive Jury Chairperson and jury.
Does the VDMA sector association have voting rights?
No, the VDMA merely has a right of veto on strategy decisions concerning the further development of the IFOY.
Who developed the IFOY AWARD?
The originator of the IFOY AWARD is logistics journalist Anita Würmser. The concept and the organization were developed and implemented by her.
She is also the founder of the Logistics Hall of Fame and has created numerous and staged highly reputed awards and competitions, including the "Image Rankings for Logistics and Commercial Vehicles, the "Best Apprentice" or "Logistics Masters" competitions for young high-performers to mention but a few. As a logistics expert, she is a member of various juries.
Many big manufacturers are on the specialist advisory committee for the IFOY AWARD. Why is this?
The manufacturers were involved in the development of the IFOY AWARD from the outset as part of a working group. All the parties made a conscious decision to sit down at the same table and discuss and define the requirements for an independent award. The preconditions for the recognition of the IFOY AWARD by the manufacturers were absolute independence and the highest quality standards in the selection process in order to rule out any influence in favour of or at the expense of a particular make of truck. The IFOY AWARD is conferred solely on the basis of technically sound and well-researched criteria. The expertise of the manufacturers in the ongoing development of the IFOY AWARD is explicitly welcome. It is for this purpose that members of the original working group were appointed to a specialist advisory committee. The committee can advise the jury on request but does not have voting rights or any say in operational matters.
Who can apply for the award?
All manufacturers of materials handling equipment and intralogistics providers who offer their products and services on the European market.
What can be entered for the award?
The IFOY AWARD has 12 categories. However, usually only six categories are carried out annually.
How do you apply for the IFOY AWARD?
Any manufacturer can apply with any desired number of products or solution. A separate Internet form has to be completed for each truck. All the important information can be found in the Conditions of Participation.
Our advice is to register early for the competition, as following registration an online entry form is created for each application, and this can take several days.
Is it possible that someone who has not even applied for the award can win it?
What is the time frame for the IFOY AWARD?
The IFOY process consists of four phases:
Phase 1: Submission of entries
During this phase, manufacturers of materials handling equipment have the opportunity to submit applications for the IFOY AWARD.
It is always advisable to register early, as an online entry form is created for each entry, and this can take several days.
Phase 2: Nomination
During this phase, the jury nominates a maximum of five trucks or solutions from all the submitted application in each category.
Phase 3: Testing and selection
During this phase, all nominees must undergo the three-stage Audit, consiting of IFOY Test, scientific IFOY Innovation Check and jury test. Following the IFOY Audit, the jury selects the winner in each category.
Phase 4: Announcement and award presentation
Does entering for the IFOY AWARD cost anything?
Yes. There are application and nomination fees. In addition, each entrant undertakes to provide a test truck at his or her own expense. The IFOY organisation is economically dependent on any manufacturer or dealer, however. The IFOY organisation uses the proceeds to cover the funding requirements of this pan-European organisation, the independent IFOY tests and ongoing business operations. By paying the nomination fee, the nominees and winner acquires the right to use the "Best in Intralogistics" seal as well as the winner seals for advertising purposes.
The advantage of the IFOY seal is its neutrality and indepedency, its professional expertise and the associated marketing effect.
Applicants can request the conditions of participation at the IFOY office.
What happens if the fees are not paid?
Then the entered truck or solution is automatically withdrawn from the competition.
Is there any prize money? What is the advantage of the IFOY AWARD?
There is no prize money. The winners receive a trophy and have the right to use the test results and the entire marketing material and the IFOY seals in their advertising.
The advantage of the IFOY seal is its neutrality and indepedency, its professional expertise and the associated marketing effect.
Who selects the IFOY winners?
An international jury of trade journalists.
What IFOY seals are there and what do they mean?
There are two types of IFOY seals, the buttons and the quality seal.
1. The two buttons "IFOY nominee" and "IFOY winner" are reserved for the nominees and later winners.
2. The IFOY quality seal "Best in Intralogistics" is awarded after the IFOY TEST DAYS for those vehicles ands solution which have passed the 3-stage IFOY Audit (IFOY Test and/or the Innovation Check, Jury test).
Why is the jury made up of journalists rather than technical experts?
Logistics journalists possess hands-on knowledge of the different requirements of the customer when it comes to materials handling equipment. They see this equipment through the eyes of the customer. Moreover, their reports and articles are read by the trade public and therefore make an important contribution towards documenting the performance capability of the industry and improving the image of the entire intralogistics sector.
What measures are in place to ensure that decisions are based on specialist expertise?
The idea is to ensure that decisions are not based solely on individual opinions, no matter how much expertise individuals may possess. This is why three separate measures have been taken that ensure that the selection process is underpinned by broadly based technical expertise.
- An IFOY Test has been developed based on the internationally recognised Andersom Test. The results of the testing process serve as support for the decision of the jury. The tester has to be neutral and has no voting rights.
- The IFOY Innovation Check is performed in the truck categories and focuses on assessment of the innovative character of the equipment in question. Alongside the result of the IFOY Test, the hard data provided by the Innovation Check forms a important support for the decision by the jury.The testers have to be neutral and have no voting rights.
- Each jury member has the right to put together a group of specialists and advisors to provide assistance during the selection process.
- The jury may consult the specialist advisory committee on technical issues and request its advice.
Who can sit on this jury advisory body?
Each juror decides at his or her own discretion whether an advisor is a driver, a scientist, a designer, a technician or a customer. It goes without saying that an advisor may not be in any directly dependent relationship with a manufacturer or dealer.
When would a jury advisor not be approved?
IFOY advisors may not, for example, be permanent or freelance employees of a truck manufacturer. Companies or individuals who are consultants or external service providers for a manufacturer may only act as advisors to the jury if the scope of their consulting activity/service does not extend beyond occasional cooperation or does not represent essential income for the advisor.
There are already numerous tests for forklift trucks. What makes the IFOY Test unique?
The IFOY testing standard is based on the Andersom Test. Since 1988, a total of hundreds of different forklift and warehouse trucks have undergone this test. This has led to the creation of the biggest comparison database of independent test data anywhere in Europe and is considered the benchmark throughout Europe. This means it is now possible for the first time to compare the innovative quality of different entered trucks and therefore to cast a truly objective vote. It is this quality feature that makes the IFOY unique.
Are the IFOY Test results binding on the jury?
No, all jury members are free in their decisions. The IFOY AWARD does not focus on percental performance improvents but on the innovation.
Neverthelss the IFOY Test provides the jury with an objective assessment tool and plays a key role in the process.
What are the main criteria for the decision of the jury?
The jury assesses the innovative quality, technology, design, ergonomics, handling, safety, cost effectiveness and sustainability of the trucks. This includes both measureable and soft factors.