Matthias Pieringer
Editor-in-Chief LOGISTIK HEUTE

Matthias Pieringer (born 1977) is editor-in-chief of the German trade journal LOGISTIK HEUTE from HUSS-VERLAG, Munich.

The journalist researches and presents current and relevant topics from the world of logistics. After completing his master's degree at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich and his editorial traineeship, he worked for several years as an editor at Springer Fachmedien München GmbH. He joined the editorial team of LOGISTIK HEUTE in 2011 and was appointed deputy editor-in-chief at the beginning of 2014. He became editor-in-chief of LOGISTIK HEUTE in December 2018. 

His main topics include intralogistics, logistics IT, supply chain management, logistics services and training.


The concept of "LOGISTIK HEUTE", the expert logistics magazine for decision-makers in industry, trade and the service sector, is tailored to the entire supply chain. Every month, the editorial team presents innovative logistics concepts as well as new products, ideas and trends along the supply chain.

PUBLICATION FREQUENCY 10 issues per year
CIRCULATION 30.000 copies (IVW tested)
NEWSLETTER Weekly Thursdays, 8,000 recipients
READERS Decision-makers in industry, trade and services

Logistics real estate & locations

Software in logistics